Hello! I'm Gustavo, a software engineer with more than 10 years of experience. I've been mostly doing systems programming for the telecommunications industry. I've worked on all sorts of layers and projects, including embedded 🔧, computer-telephony integration ☎️, cellular networks 📱 and collaboration 💬. The constant is always network, making machines communicate using robust protocols and APIs is somehow fulfilling.
I always have all sorts of personal projects going or (sometimes not so popular 🙃) interests. The topics usually fluctuate a lot over time, but lately:
- I always wanted to contribute to open-source. After years of making software, I've finally been able to put that in practice, starting with small contributions to webex-rust, hyperium and other smaller personal projects. I'm eager to get more contributions in and help other projects.
- I've been learning Rust, which I find quite a promising tool. I always thought we could make more use of formal verification in software engineering.
- Math. I'm not so good at Math, but I like it. From time to time a revisit some topics like Calculus and Linear Algebra just for the funs of it.
I'm also passionate about making pizza 🍕 (note that doesn't mean I like to cook other stuff). Pizza is such a simple dish, just a few ingredients, and super accessible. At the same time, there's so many combinations and variables one can manipulate to make a tasty pizza, it's just a whole (delicious) universe.
Opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.